What happens in the body when caretaker has burnout?

Caregivers who are exhausted may have fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression. Many caregivers also feel guilty if they spend time with themselves and not with their sick or elderly loved ones.

What happens in the body when caretaker has burnout?

Caregivers who are exhausted may have fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression. Many caregivers also feel guilty if they spend time with themselves and not with their sick or elderly loved ones. When you have stopped being stressed by the person who cares for you and you have started to feel that the person is tired, you are likely to find yourself in a state of exhaustion or on the verge of doing so. This is especially true for those providing Home Care in Douglas MA, as caregiver exhaustion is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by the prolonged and overwhelming stress that comes with provision of care.

Barry Morais
Barry Morais

Infuriatingly humble coffee fanatic. Wannabe zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble travel buff. Typical internet fanatic. Passionate bacon fanatic. Extreme travel nerd.