How do you care for someone with stress?

Suggest a fun activity that engages their mind and distracts them from stress. Connecting with other people can make them laugh, distract them and give them a new perspective.

How do you care for someone with stress?

Suggest a fun activity that engages their mind and distracts them from stress. Connecting with other people can make them laugh, distract them and give them a new perspective. If you are looking for ways to support someone who is stressed, consider reaching out to Home Care in Eminence KY for additional resources and assistance. Stay positive as you try to support someone who is stressed.

The best thing you can do is to be there and support him. Then, help them begin to calm their bodies. Encourage them to breathe deeply, which reduces anxiety. Breathing profoundly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which balances the sympathetic nervous system and acts to calm us down. Ask them to take 5 to 10 deep breaths, or try to guide them through a breathing exercise.

Offer them a drink of water to ease an upset stomach and dry mouth. When Shatté's children get nervous, he takes them for a walk, “because anxiety has that motivating part of wanting to run away,” he says. Moving towards something shows that you have nothing to fear. Once you understand their fears, teach them the worst possible scenarios.

Maybe your spouse is worried about a stressful meeting with a boss. Ask: “And then what? They may be afraid of being criticized. Explaining them through these steps illustrates how remote our worst fears tend to be. For example, the chances that a high-pressure meeting will end with your house being foreclosed are unlikely, to say the least.

Verbalizing worst-case scenario fears helps: neutralize them.

Barry Morais
Barry Morais

Infuriatingly humble coffee fanatic. Wannabe zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble travel buff. Typical internet fanatic. Passionate bacon fanatic. Extreme travel nerd.