A primary goal of home health care is to discharge the patient to care for himself or his family and to avoid subsequent hospitalizations.
Home Care Kendall FL
is a crucial aspect of health care services that you can receive at home in the event of an illness or injury. Home health care is often less expensive, more convenient, and as effective as the care you receive in a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF). The objectives and multidisciplinary nature of Home Care Kendall FL services present challenges for measuring quality that differ from those found in a more traditional hospital environment. Aging with dignity is a goal that many older people strive for, and maintaining good health is a key part of achieving that goal. The goal of Home Care Kendall FL is to restore or maintain the patient's physical and mental functioning and quality of life, or to reduce the rate of deterioration so that the patient can remain at home and avoid admission to institutions. While home health care services are focused on improving, the primary goal of palliative care is to prioritize your comfort, dignity, and quality of life during the final stage of life.The interventions tested mainly consisted of increasing the intensity of care provided through a disease treatment program, a team-managed home primary care program, an intervention by a specialized multidisciplinary team, transient advanced practice nursing (APN) care, telehealth services and intensive rehabilitation care before of discharge from the hospital. This is in line with the American Nurses Association's statement that promoting the patient's optimal level of well-being is a legitimate goal of home health care. Depending on the health status and objectives, one or both forms of care may be appropriate at different stages of the health care process. When you receive home health care, the primary goal is to improve your health and independence and, in particular, to help you recover faster and in a healthy way.