How stressful is being a caregiver?

Caregiver stress is a common issue for those providing Home Care in Keene KY, due to the emotional and physical strain that comes with the responsibility. Caregivers in this area report much higher levels of stress compared to non-caregivers.

How stressful is being a caregiver?

Caregiver stress is a common issue for those providing Home Care in Keene KY, due to the emotional and physical strain that comes with the responsibility. Caregivers in this area report much higher levels of stress compared to non-caregivers. They often find themselves on call or providing assistance throughout the day, leaving little time for work or personal relationships. This can lead to increased levels of stress and burnout for caregivers in Keene KY. It's important for caregivers to know that they too need help and support.

Some of the caregiver's own tasks can put additional strain on the body. This could include lifting objects or bathing your loved one. Being a caregiver can also cause financial stress. You may avoid going to the doctor so you don't have to pay for visits or treatments.

Or you may not have time to go to the doctor when you need one. You may notice an increase in depression, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping due to increased stress on your mental health. All of these things can affect your emotional, mental and physical health. As a caregiver, you are at risk of suffering from depression. Sometimes, this results in a sense of hopelessness or powerlessness, an inability to sleep, or trouble getting up and coping with the day.

And sometimes it makes you want to cry. See the FCA fact sheet on depression and caregiving.

Barry Morais
Barry Morais

Infuriatingly humble coffee fanatic. Wannabe zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble travel buff. Typical internet fanatic. Passionate bacon fanatic. Extreme travel nerd.