What difficulties do caregivers face?

Caregivers in New Haven CT often find that they have less time for themselves and other family members when providing Home Care in New Haven CT. Being afraid to ask for help.

What difficulties do caregivers face?

Caregivers in New Haven CT often find that they have less time for themselves and other family members when providing Home Care in New Haven CT. Being afraid to ask for help. Lack of time to take care of themselves Self-care is affected because they lack the time and energy to do things such as preparing adequate and nutritious meals for themselves. They have a limited amount of time to exercise. And they're often too mentally and physically exhausted to socialize or spend time doing the things they love.

Helping a loved one can have a significant impact on a caregiver's finances. Family caregivers tend to miss work, leave early, or quit their jobs completely. This is especially true among women, who make up more than 60 percent of all family caregivers, according to research from AARP. Women caregivers are more likely than men to change their work lives to take on unpaid care responsibilities. It can be a great honor to work as a family caregiver for an elderly loved one who may have helped raise them.

And while caregiving is an honor, it can be difficult to admit it when faced with challenges. At Senior Home Companions, we recognize the most common challenges faced by family caregivers and we seek to offer assistance to both you and your aging loved one. Our trained caregivers can provide temporary care, companionship, and time for you to practice self-care so that you, in turn, can care for others. When caring for an aging loved one, time management can be one of the biggest challenges.

For example, middle-aged caregivers, also known as the “sandwich generation”, can care for aging parents (whether they are far away or living together), in addition to raising children who are still living at home. You may feel exhausted from the short 24 hours of each day, but take heart knowing that this is one of the most common challenges faced by family caregivers. On the Senior Home Companions website, we've compiled a list of national organizations that support seniors and caregivers, as well as local options for those who live in Indiana or Florida. Finding resources such as financial aid, community activities, or transportation options for a dependent can make a big difference in solving the most common challenges faced by family caregivers.

Senior Home Companions caregivers provide personalized, in-home, non-medical companion care services for Indiana and Southwest families from Florida. These short-term services, which are specifically designed to help family caregivers who need help, can release you from caregiving responsibilities for several hours or up to several weeks.

Barry Morais
Barry Morais

Infuriatingly humble coffee fanatic. Wannabe zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble travel buff. Typical internet fanatic. Passionate bacon fanatic. Extreme travel nerd.