What are the components of compassion fatigue?

Unfortunately, in most cases, compassion fatigue can lead to negative feelings toward work and, subsequently, these feelings can result in negative behavior with co-workers and members of the public. In their literature study, Andersen and Papazoglou (201) found that most of the research conducted on compassion fatigue had been done with Home Care in Orlando FL providers (e.g., these signs of compassion fatigue are often dismissed because the agent has a poor attitude or poor performance, which can result in a performance improvement plan or even charges under the Police Service Act 1).

What are the components of compassion fatigue?

Unfortunately, in most cases, compassion fatigue can lead to negative feelings toward work and, subsequently, these feelings can result in negative behavior with co-workers and members of the public. In their literature study, Andersen and Papazoglou (201) found that most of the research conducted on compassion fatigue had been done with Home Care in Orlando FL providers (e.g., these signs of compassion fatigue are often dismissed because the agent has a poor attitude or poor performance, which can result in a performance improvement plan or even charges under the Police Service Act 1). Compassion is different from empathy, since empathy is the ability to understand what someone is going through by being able to put yourself in someone's shoes. According to Burnett and Wahl (201), Joinson (199) first identified compassion fatigue among nurses who showed feelings of anger and powerlessness or who shut down their own emotions when watching their patients suffer serious illnesses or trauma (p. The problem with compassion fatigue is that, in general, police officers don't explain it early in their careers as something that can happen to them over time).

They noted that, although the police would put officers at high risk of suffering from compassion fatigue, few investigations have been conducted with this population. The very nature of intensive care unit work increases the risk of caregivers experiencing compassionate exhaustion and fatigue (also known as indirect trauma).Grant, Lavery and Decarlo (201) have recently suggested that professionals may lose their sense of empathy and compassion for the people they should help, because the work environment places them in states of vulnerability and tension. These signs of compassion fatigue are often dismissed because the officer has a poor attitude or underperformance, which can result in a performance improvement plan or even the Police Service Act. Compassion fatigue can affect your ability to do your job or complete daily activities, at least temporarily.

It is still unknown precisely at what point in the traumatic process compassionate fatigue can affect and who it can affect. Studies suggest that components related to function overload, such as lack of institutional support, heavy workload and staff shortages, contribute to reducing the effectiveness of the functioning of the palliative care team. This form of fatigue is sometimes referred to as a secondary stress reaction, second-hand shock, secondary traumatic stress, or indirect trauma, largely due to the association of compassion fatigue with careers and positions that can often place you in stressful situations.

Barry Morais
Barry Morais

Infuriatingly humble coffee fanatic. Wannabe zombie aficionado. Infuriatingly humble travel buff. Typical internet fanatic. Passionate bacon fanatic. Extreme travel nerd.